Mystery Songs
Free Bassoon Sheet Music
I’ve transcribed some of my favorite tunes from film, tv, games, and more for bassoon! Can you guess the name of these famous melodies? Try sightreading a mystery song and find out.
Mystery Song #45
Hint: Sometimes family weirdos just get a bad rap.
Pro-tip: Use strong air support to encourage the notes above the staff to speak with good tone.
Mystery Song #42
Hint: Every night I lie in bed. The brightest colours fill my head…
Pro Tip: Don’t rush this melody. Count your 8th notes carefully to make sure you hold the notes for the correct length.
Mystery Song #41
Hint: Life here is amazing, just not for the faint of heart.
Pro-tip: Have fun with the grace notes in this piece. They give the melody a lot of character!
Mystery Song #37
Hint: Just remember what your old pal said…
Pro-Tip: Flick and use fast, focused air to ensure all of your notes above the staff speak clearly without cracking or sounding flat.
Mystery Song #35
Hint: All this fuss over what? is it a hill, is it a mountain?
Pro-Tip: Prepare your high notes by using fast, smooth air. Remember, the bassoon is a WIND instrument, not a LIP instrument.
Mystery Song #33
Hint: It’s not the plane, it’s the pilot.
Pro-Tip: Crescendo as you play through the 16th notes at the end of the melody to help your notes speak and connect.
Mystery Song #32
Hint: I met a girl crazy for me. Met a boy cute as can be.
Pro-Tip: Roll your right-hand pinky from low A-flat to low F and E-flat to make a smooth connection.
Mystery Song #31
Hint: Here’s another curse for you - may all your bacon burn.
Pro-tip: Use your resonance key on half-hole G to help stabilize and lower the pitch so it plays in tune!
Mystery Song #30
Hint: Hello there.
Pro-Tip: The beat stays the same from the 6/8 to the 4/4 section. Don’t forget to Flick your high C’s so they come out clearly!