Mystery Songs
Free Bassoon Sheet Music
I’ve transcribed some of my favorite tunes from film, tv, games, and more for bassoon! Can you guess the name of these famous melodies? Try sightreading a mystery song and find out.
Mystery Song #28
Hint: No one to tell us, "No", Or where to go, Or say we're only dreaming.
Pro-Tip: Be careful with your half-hole going from F to A-flat, it can squeak! Be precise and use a small half hole on your left hand index finger to make a smooth transition.
Mystery Song #27
Hint: She warned him not to be deceived by appearances, for beauty is found within.
Pro-Tip: Be careful with accidentals, especially after the key change!
Mystery Song #26
Hint: You broke my smolder!
Pro-Tip: Add vibrato as needed to make this melody sound connected and sweet.
Mystery Song #25
Hint: “You are without a doubt the worst pirate I’ve ever heard of.”
Pro-Tip: This piece should have strong accents and a bouncy, energetic character.
Mystery Song #23
Hint: “Wait a minute, Doc. Are you telling me you built a time machine…?”
Pro-Tip: Count the triplet ties carefully! And don’t rush the quarter note triplets.
Mystery Song #17
Hint: Famous melody from the wizarding world.
Pro-Tip: Use your air to create smooth, connected slurs through these interesting intervals and watch the accidentals carefully.
Mystery Song #16
Hint: Everyone hail to the pumpkin king!
Pro-Tip: Roll your right pinky between low A-flat and F to make the transition smoother and faster. If your low notes don’t respond well, try slurring until it feels easier!
Mystery Song #15
Hint: “Who you gonna call?”
Pro-Tip: Flick the high B-flats and make sure to count the 8th note and 16th note rhythms carefully.
Mystery Song #7
Hint: There’s no place like home.
Pro-Tip: Make sure to flick all of your A's, B-flat's, and C's in this piece so your slurs sound connected and beautiful and your notes don't crack!
Mystery Song #4
Hint: Sebastian says the seaweed is always greener!
Pro-Tip: This is a great piece to practice flicking your high A’s with the correct thumb key and putting your pinky down on half hole G!
Mystery Song #3
Hint: Fire burn and cauldron bubble.
Pro-Tip: This piece is a great song to practice your F-sharp and G-flat (enharmonically, the same note). Read your key signature and accidentals carefully!
Mystery Song #2
Hint: May the 4th Be With You!
Pro-Tip: This is a great piece to practice sliding your pinky from low F to A-flat using the rollers. Be sure to count and subdivide your dotted eighth note rhythms correctly too!